Terms of ServiceUpdated 27 July 2019 |
Policy: It has always been CustomMade's policy to treat our customers in exactly in the way we like to be treated ourselves. Whilst we do not favour reams of small print over plain English and simple, honest communication, we are compelled to publish this in order to comply with the relevant legislation (EU Distance Selling Directive). Of course, your statutory rights under current consumer protection laws are not affected. If you have any queries relating to your statutory rights as a consumer, get in touch with your country's consumer advice service. Data & Privacy: The information collected from you at any time you use our web site, either to contact us, place an order or just browse will be stored by our webserver and possibly any related systems. This is used purely to carry out your instructions, action your payment or assist your enquiries. There are no circumstances under which this information might be passed to a third party. As a UK business, CustomMade fully adheres to the Data Protection Act and all other relevant aspects of the Law. Supply: We always aim to render our services, as described in this site's sections, in a timely and appropriate manner. If you have an urgent enquiry or tender, it is always advisable to discuss your requirement with us (via telephone on +44 (0) 121 2700 833, or via post or email through our contact form). Contact: We will only contact you in connection with your instructions and keep you well informed. We will never send you unsolicited / irrelevant communications as we are strongly against all forms of UCE, bulk email and spam. Delivery: If delivery to you is ever involved with any aspect of our services (for example, placing an order for equipment or hardware which you have asked to receive directly) we will do our level best to ensure that goods are received in a timely manner. Of course, as with the rest of the general public, we rely on either the Royal Mail or private couriers to perform the 'contract'. We monitor the performance of any courier services used, and will actively complain both on your behalf and ours if problems are experienced. Guarantee: In the light of the forgoing you will appreciate we are confident that we can unequivocally guarantee your total satisfaction with our services. Again you should note that your statutory rights under the current consumer protection laws are not affected. Refunds: Should you ever place an order through us and are not satisfied with the results, we are more than happy to discuss refunds or like-for-like exchanges (if physical items are involved, as opposed to servics rendered). If we have placed an order with a supplier on a customer's behalf, and the customer is not satisfied with the quality of the goods, we will act as their intermediary to ensure a satisfactory resolution whenever possible. Payment: We work on a standard form of payment upon receipt of invoice - currently 14 days after the invoice's issue date. We also offer immediate payment facilities for some of our services (web hosting, rolling contracts and so forth). These are handled by our Payment Service Provider, who fully abides by all relevant UK laws pertaining to the handling of electronic financial data, and is also fully regulated by the Financial Services Authority. (Further reading: BS7799 - Code of Practice for Information Security Management) VAT: As an SME business servicing other SMEs, we do not currently add VAT on to any of our products or services. This helps keep costs low for our clients and offers simple, consistent pricing structures for all. Complaints: We do not have a Complaints Department, or a dedicated member of staff solely handling complaints... As we are yet to receive a complaint! Clearly as a totally customer-focussed business, we would take any complaint very seriously and would always contact the complainant as soon as possible. Law and Jurisdiction: Any contract for goods and services rendered is governed by and has to be interpreted under English Law, and you agree that such contract will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of these Terms of Service, please get in touch with us. |